Thursday, March 16, 2006

Quick Update

<---Howl-o-Ween 2004.."Look, mom, a baby cow!" , a child said one year..before he grew the horns!

Wow, am I feeling good! I am playing, cuddling, eating, drinking, and putting my weight back on! I did have to make a pit stop at the vet today, though. On Tuesday, I ate a little bit of my brother's food mixed with mine and Mom told dad to watch me b/c I might have an upset tummy from that and may have some softer than normal poos. Well, to add insult to injury, I decided I wanted a little dessert that night and got some tootsie rolls from the cat box. So, yes, I did have some soft poos yesterday and this morning. Not sure if it was from Cole's food or the tootsie rolls..maybe a bit of both?!? I am still interested in food, water, playing with my ball, and being outside though, so I am staying hydrated and active. Mom called the vet and talked to them and the doctor just wanted to take a quick peek at me. So, we all piled into the Celica b/c dad has the truck, and took a quick, but cramped ride to the vet. Everyone there was so happy to see me looking better and gave them lots of leans and tail thumping just to show them how happy and healthy I am! I weighed 130 lbs today too. All I have to do is take Flagyl for the next 5 days ( a medicine I am all too familiar with) and Immodium if I need it. I am also on a bland diet for the next 3 days. Mom got me some Prescription I/D this time. Guess she's tired of making chicken and rice! I sure do love my chicken though! Well, I have people to bark at and leans to give! More updates later! I go back for my first follow up labs next week! We'll see just how this Percorten-V is working for me!

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