Sunday, April 16, 2006

Recap of Canine Addison's and Atlas' Journey to Diagnosis

I know I have posted alot of information in the past and have provided more than a plethora of information. I just really wanted to educate everyone about Canine Addison's Disease! Here's a recap, short and sweet:

Who: Atlas, 3 year old Harlequin Great Dane

What: Addison's Disease--a disorder where the part of the adrenal glands that produce mineralocorticoids and glucocorticoids cease to function. Consequently, the body's electrolytes, sodium and potassium, are abnormal due to lack of aldosterone (mineralocorticoid). A decrease or absence of glucocorticoid (cortisol) manifest in lethargy, hyperpigmentation of the skin, anorexia, weight loss, vomiting, and/or diarrhea.

What brought us to the vet: ate Greenie on Monday, unable to poop on Tuesday, not eating or drinking, super lethargic

Journey to diagnosis: Wednesday treated for dehydration with IV fluids and started Flagyl, doctor heard a heart murmur (new), ate and drank some at the vet, drank a little at home, also passed a golf ball size Greenie. Thursday back to vet for not eating/drinking and lethargy--more IV fluids, ate and drank a little at the vet, drank a little at home and ate some chicken. Friday back to vet for the same--abdominal x-rays done-->OK, labs-->low sodium, high potassium-->Addison's??-->maybe but labs may be off due to IV fluids, sent home.

The turning point: Friday day/evening-very lethargic, ate a little, drank a little, his heart was racing and had an arrhythmia. Friday night-still extremely lethargic, would not eat or drink, got off the couch and his hind end went out from underneath him-->to the ER!

ER course: Chest x-ray and EKG-->OK, Labs--lower sodium, higher potassium (8.6), more than likely Addison's but wouldn't know until vet opened on Monday and test could be done. Stayed the whole weekend and received IV fluids and IV Dexamethasone (a glucocorticoid--one of the hormones the adrenals stop making), wouldn't eat anything but chicken, but much more energetic and lively, hind end weakness decreased.

Diagnosis: Back to our vet on Monday(3/6/06), got the ACTH test, came home. Tuesday
(3/7/06) he received official diagnosis of Addison's Disease and received his replacement shot of mineralocorticoid (Percorten/DOCP) and started the by mouth replacement of his glucocorticoid (there are many options..we chose Hydrocortisone).

Today: After a rough first month (regulating meds, finding a food he liked, HYPERSENSITIVE MOMMY!), he is full of energy, no heart murmur, eating healthily (but not too much..a potential side effect of steroids), nice full coat (apparantly it was thin compared to now!), peeing and pooping within normal limits (side effect of too much steroid is peeing alot and drinking alot, loose stools), and interested in everything going on!

Questions? Post a comment or look at my profile for my email! Their are tons of links and I will be happy to help in any way I can!


Erin said...

Oh, Addison's is such a difficult disease. I'm very happy to hear that you have his under control! He's lucky to have you, and you him.

Anonymous said...

I don't know much about dogs, except that I like them. Sorry this one is sick.

